Saturday, March 16, 2013

True Self

I have decided to share one of my very photogenic friends.
I do have to say when I met J'mal I couldn't stand him.
He was loud, obnoxious, and demanded the attention of the entire building.
It didn't take long for me to over come my aggravation towards him and to realize and appreciate that he is someone who would never be ashamed of showing his true self in front of anyone.
I guess that's what drew me towards him after all.
We quickly became friends.
Soon enough I asked if I could photograph him, I knew that his presence and personality could easily transfer through the lens.
Which I'm finding out that shooting people is harder than it seems. A lot of individuals are shy and come off awkward in photographs, I knew that wouldn't be a problem with J'mal.

1 comment:

Jamal Marichal said...

Thanks Austyn! I absolutely love you and the pictures, I can't wait to shoot our next session.